What is attachment parenting; 20 years ago when I first became a parent I knew that I wanted to raise my children differently to everyone else but I didn't have a label for it. I knew my instincts were telling me that the tribal way was good but I wasn't sure what that meant. I wanted to breastfeed and continue to do it beyond the recommended 12 months, I wanted my child to sleep with me, I didn't want to use a pram but wanted to use a sling, I didn't want to use playpens or cots and I wanted to carry my child. I didn't want him to go to kinder or school. I didn't want to go back to work and have others raising my child. I also had many other ideals; when I conceived children I had a picture in my head of cherubic, long haired, bonny lads and lasses that would dance barefoot through flowery meadows catching butterflies and making daisy chains. No packaged food would ever pass their lips and they would read good literature under magnificent oaks as a way of life and never watch TV or play video games. Oh, and they would all play various musical instruments (much like the Von Trapps from The Sound of Music) and grow up to be famous doctors, astronauts, composers, inventors and other very important people. The reality is somewhat different to the fantasy but that doesn't mean I regret my 10 years of sleep deprivation due to breastfeeding on demand and co-sleeping with children that slept like starfish. Yes, I have fallen out with people over parenting issues over the years but I couldn't help being the parent I was born to be just like a bird can't help but want to fly. The end result is: - a close and loving relationship with each of my children that I would not give up for anything and a sense of being true to my authentic self. The hand that rocks the cradle (or in this case the king size bed) is, indeed, the hand that rules the world.                                                                              

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