You know you are here to do something extraordinary - something creative - because you feel it but your days are filled with tolling bells that guide your time, clocking on and off, deadlines that make you wish there was 30 hours in a day and a boss who thinks he/she owns you. Every day blurs into the next and before you know it precious years of your life have disappeared and that extraordinary thing that you wished you could do has been put on the back burner - viewed as the thing "I will do when I get around to it."

The sad truth is that many people will never get around to it and the reason is that it seems impossible to break with the everyday grind even though deep down you know that to tap into your imagination you must have a completely different routine, a new perspective, a brand new methodology. Your imagination is where the creative ideas are held; if you can access this part of your mind you will be living a much longed for creative life - your mind will spark continually with fresh ideas for things that have never been done or said before, you will have the knowledge and power to put these ideas into form and then you will feel a contentment and fulfillment that you have never known before. It seems like a fantasy - too good to be true - but it's not, trust me!

After breaking from your institutionalised way of thinking you must learn to access your spirit self through meditation and prayer (see my article Teaching Mediation and Prayer to Children). If you are from a psychological, scientific or medical background this may be difficult at first but it can be done if you persevere. Accessing spirit is the doorway to your imagination and is the key to bringing your creative self to the fore. From there your ideas will be limitless and you need only choose which medium you will use eg: writing, painting, sculpting etc. Once you have conquered this you will be able to live your life in a way that others only dream of . You then have the onerous and yet completely worthwhile task of putting your blinkers on and using your tunnel vision (it seems contradictory, I know) to focus wholly and solely on your chosen medium and then practice it until you have mastered it - the apprenticeship for writing is 10 years and you must practice your art/hobby for 10,000 hours to be good at it - so set to and don't let up until you get there and most importantly of all DON'T GIVE UP and don't let others talk you out of it.

And remember, all art is open to interpretation and what you think is hideous others may think is a masterpiece so don't judge your art and your fellow artists too harshly because whether you realise it or not you are leaving behind you a wonderful and enriching legacy that may just change the lives of a few or of many and that is worth more than all the gold in the world.