Last night when I was taking a child's friend home I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye and bounding along beside the car was a large, white, kangaroo and her joey. I live closer to the town and am not used to this and got quite a shock. Since there are no fences where the child lives and it is on a dirt road and a long way out of town, the kangaroos bound around there all of the time - or so I am told.

This photo that I downloaded from the internet doesn't really do it justice. the one I saw was quite large and would have really damaged my car had she bounded out in front of me.

Then today my husband, who is a carpenter was working on the fascia of a building close to the city and when he pulled it off he found a little hollow with two baby ring tailed possums looking out at him. They didn't seem that concerned at first but as he went to move one the other one jumped on him and gave him quite a fright but was soon pacified when he stroke it. A moment later he went to grab the hammer out of his tool belt and couldn't understand why it wouldn't move - the little possum had wrapped it's tail around the hammer and was holding on for dear life. This just proves how strong their tails are; hanging from trees is a risky business. These little babies        will be taken to the Wildlife Sanctuary. Again, the photo I have downloaded doesn't really do it justice as they were babies and quite small. I have a feeling Bella may draw them and put it on her page.


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